- Over 15,000 Inspections completed
- We have a close working network with structural engineers, industrial hygienist, termite Inspectors, also radon and building inspection referral.
- State and County licensed, bonded insured
- St. Charles County–licensed and bonded for septic/well/water, residential home sales inspections for real estate transactions
- Centrally Located In St. Clair Mo, with Inspectors based out of Bowling Green, Sullivan and House Springs MO as well we have served area counties of Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. Louis, Warren, St. Francois, Washington. Call Today (636)-262-1303

Rick Wilcockson—Inspector/Consultant/ over 15,000 inspections
Accurate Septic and Well Inspections
Dates Employed 1995 – Present
Employment Duration26 yrs. 3 mos.
Location Greater St. Louis Area
Inspection consultant, environmental, building, septic systems, water wells, water sampling and water treatment. Annually logging 40,000 miles per year and covering (6) Missouri counties. HUD/FHA & HBW 2/10 Inspections/ managed logistics in a large market metro area. Completed and implemented- Job Safety Analysis of all projects, 800 per year. This position required the detailed inspection of excavations, water/ sewer pipelines -ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEMS- and critical connections along with transfer stations. Additionally, all work was conducted within federal, state and local laws, safe- air and water acts. Over 15,000 inspections. State, county licensed and bonded.
Rick is a former state & county regulator and has authored three on-site waste water ordinances. Residential inspections for real estate transactions are Rick’s specialty. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in biology and has extensive field knowledge.

Brenden Murphy has now been in the Onsite Industry for over 7 years, he started out helping with Well and Septic Inspections, Onsite Soil testing, Maintenance of Onsite Systems as well as Installations.
This got Brenden off on the right path to start and these past experiences along with now having completed over 4,000 Inspections on his own have given him an amount of experience and knowledge that is hard to be found in the industry.
Brenden has completed over 600+ Inspections the last 5 years consecutively and is known for his patience in explaining Onsite systems to new home buyers with little experience with Onsite systems. Brenden is always available to take a call on a system even months after his Inspection was completed.